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Performance,  Transformed

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— - Organization Development Consultant

Inspiration through Gratitude: Strengthening Leadership - 2021

In 2021, I am especially grateful that my family has been able to maintained their health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gratitude has many benefits professionally, emotionally, and physically. I practice gratitude each morning before I get out of bed by writing in a gratitude journal. I record 5 things that I am grateful for each day in my journal on the free app, Journey. You can do this with a pencil and paper in your notebook, on a tablet, or laptop. In the past I have used Evernote, Google Docs, paper and pencil, or a Word document.

Practicing gratitude is an effective way to increase optimism. Even on my hardest days, I can usually find 5 things that I am GRATEFUL for; it could be as simple as having a roof over my head, food to eat, or great friends and family. I also list 3 to 5 things that would make the day GREAT! Sometimes this may include a great coaching session with a client or a wonderful workshop. Other times it may include having time for a nap or to catch up on some reading. I find this has been a great way to set my intentions for the day. The last thing I do is write 3-5 things that I AM. Most of the time, these are positive, including descriptors like optimistic, hopeful, energized, humble, grateful, or excited.

This daily gratitude journal is a constant reminder to me to stop and practice gratitude. I often ask many of my Executive coaching clients to develop a gratitude practice as a holistic approach to living and leading. I have found that when leaders express gratitude at work, it often trickles down to those they are responsible for. By serving as a role model of gratitude, you can help build a culture that promotes inspiration, empathy, self-esteem, and mental strength.

What are some ways that you practice gratitude at your work or personal life? Please share in the comments. If you have specific questions, ask me. I'm happy to help.

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About the Author: Sarah Scala is a senior talent management leader and executive coach with 20+ years of experience providing organization development, change management, and leadership development solutions for diverse global and local industries. She is a collaborative consultant, coach, and educator supporting performance transformation of executives, leaders, and teams. Sarah is a methodical, results-driven leader recognized for helping clients reach their highest potential, increase revenue, reduce turnover, elevate business profitability, build competencies, and improve performance.

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